
Roofing Durban

We are expert Waterproofing Roofing Contractors in Durban and its surrounding areas with many years' experience in roofing construction, roof maintenance, roofing repair and roof renovations. From simply detecting a leaking roof and applying the appropriate fixes through to designing and building a completely new roof.

We deal with all types of roofing, literally anything you walk under!

  • Hip roofs
  • Gable roofs
  • Shed roofs
  • Off set gable roofs
  • Gambrel roofs
  • Half hip roofs
  • Mansard Roofs
  • Dormer Roofs
  • Concrete roofs
  • Tiled roofs
  • Pitched roofs
  • Balconies


  • The first sign of deterioration is obvious — a leak. If you find one leak, or even two, in a specific location sometimes you can patch the roof or re-gutter to prevent the faults.
  • Leaks, indicated by water stains in the house, wet areas under the roof or ceilings are a sign to call in the roofing experts Damp Guru.

Repair, Fix and Renovate

We can repair, fix and renovate your roof to have it looking like new again in no time, providing a superior service and cost effective outcome time and time again. Should you have a thatch roof that needs repair we will call in a 3rd party and manage the project on your behalf offering you peace of mind.

Roofing Indicators


If you own a home long enough, sooner or later you will have to consider reroofing. If you suspect problems, make a thorough inspection of your roof. Roof tiles or slates will usually last from 20 to 40 years, depending on local climate, the quality of the tiles, quality of installation and with regular maintenance. If your roof is over 20 years old, it should be inspected yearly.

Roofing Repair / Maintenance Indicators

  • Overall age is a good indicator of whether or not reroofing is needed.
  • Several signs can also indicate deterioration and forthcoming problems. Incidentally, when purchasing a home, a roof inspection is one of the most important things you can do. Especially due to bora damage, costal fungus and white ants.

Examples of White ants, Bora and Coastal Fungus

Roofing Maintenance

Roof Maintenance

  • Detecting a leak in your roof or other problem affecting the overall roof structure is vital.
  • Even the smallest leak or hole, broken bolt or tile can cause significant and costly damage if not properly attended to.
  • We can arrange a regular maintenance contract and inspect your roof on a regular basis, fixing any problem areas or areas of concern before it's too late.

We are proud to announce Damp Guru's NEW roof service level agreements:-

The concept was initiated with a client of ours who had an acidic residue building up on their roof due to the by-product of their manufacturing process. They have a 3000m² of roofing and just did not have the cash flow to do the entire roof simultaneously but at the same time if they were to ignore the problem it would compound and they would have to re-clad the entire roof at a conservative R3million.

So we tailored a deal with them that has proven to be beneficial to both parties.

There was no hefty capital outlay for our client and we simply handled all the problems as they happened. Thereafter systematically waterproofing, regular inspections and minor maintenance was and is continuously being carried out.

The added benefit to them was that the flashing or guttering and down pipes are now being maintained as well.

  • Costs are totally tailored to the required amount of service required and hours expected on site.
  • We carry all the relevant OSH ACT and safety responsibility as well as being comprehensively insured.

So when it comes to Roof Servicing & Maintenance let Damp Guru handle your building/dwelling. It's simple and effective.

Africa has its extremes especially the weather elements; temperatures can spike from hot too cold over a short space of time having significant impact on your roof, where the thermal shock increases and puts even more strain on the buildings and roof structures.

Older buildings have less energy in regards to withstanding the thermal shock.

By regular roof maintenance, the heat build-up is controlled somewhat and will reduce gutter and down pipe maintenance especially if you have box gutters.

The bottom line is…. Can you justify the comparison difference in regular maintenance to replacement?

Let's look at an IBR roof for example over a 10 year cycle; bearing in mind the inflation alone on materials and labour would reach 150% conservatively.

Re-cladding a 1000m² roof now would cost you about R300k today, however in 10 years it would be over R900k. Damp Guru – Roof Maintenance however would be around R100k.

Look we only benefit on the 2nd to 3rd year once the roof is in order. Furthermore it's based on economy of scale.

Roof Maintenance Example

This is more of a summary and we would have to inspect and discuss each of our client's needs separately however these costings are based on our experience and a conservative budget. Ya ya... So what's the end line... Ok for budget reasons only these are guidelines that will form the realistic costing as each roof is different.

Why should I service my roof regularly?

  • Aesthetics
  • Small problems can be identified before they become bigger problems saving you time and money.
  • If your maintenance is done well and efficiently it will pay for itself.

Don't be like the rest of them... Ignorant and waiting for something to go wrong rather than fixing it.

  • The old saying "aint broken, don't fix it". Look at it this way, the price of a new roof could buy a new luxury car as opposed to waiting a few years and blowing a few million on a roof which has limited access and won't last forever.
  • It's not safe to wait.
  • Sadly you only need a roof when the one you have is not working!

Don't become a statistic… Give Damp Guru a call today!

Roofing Services

Roof Renovation

We provide a comprehensive service for all roof renovations within the greater Durban area and will work out of town as well. We can restore your most prized possession back to its former glory.

We replace old broken roof tiles and ridge cappings taking care to fix any sagging timber supports and address any leaks along the way and finally finishing off with an emulsion waterproofing system.

Roof Repair

At Damp Guru – Durban Roofing, our experts are quickly on call to help fix the issue and prevent further damage to your roof, timber and overall structure of your property.

We deal with all roof claddings including IBR, Fiberglass, polycarbonate, Perspex, Chromadek, Tin, Zinc and Galvanised. From replacing cracked tiles and roof sheets through to patching waterproofing membranes.

No job is too big for our team of professional roofers so call Damp Guru today – it will save you big time in the long run!

Roof Construction

If you require a new roof, we can assist. From planning and design all the way through to construction, we will work with you to determine your exact requirements from start to finish and ensure a quality build is achieved on time and on budget. Call the Roofing Guru's, Roofing Durban, for more information. We can assist with all sorts of roof ideas.

For your further interest the National Building Regulations can be found here:-

Contact us for an obligation free Quotation.